“He has anointed us to proclaim good news to the poor.” Luke 4:18


2014 - 2020


Resurrection Bapist Church


Learning Support Project (LSP) To support Lebanese & Syrian, children (from different faith background) in grade 7 who are studying in government schools and who are at risk of failing/repating the grade – providing educational, life-skills, peace-building and social activities to support holistic development.


Currently, we have 85 Syrian & Iraqi kids of ages 5 - 11 enrolled in a non-formal education program that runs for 5 days a week, 6 hours a day at two of RCB's campuses: Baabda and Sabtieh. These kids have no opportunity to access formal education at any local school in Lebanon. They have already missed years of education because of their displacement from the war.  LSP offers these kids the chance to read and write Arabic, English, & French, learn Math, Science, & Gospel values, as well as acquire life skills.

JIP’s contribution to the project

JIP kindly helped to finance the start of a class for eleven Syrian refugees who had been able to access a place in the government school system in Lebanon. The class was specifically aimed at students who were school aged but due to war and displacement were illiterate. The grant from JIP was cover the salary of the tutor until the end of the term and into the Summer Project.

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love”
- Mother Teresa
Stichting JIP
JIP Foundation
ANBI 85245421

KvK 57140898
